Publication Ethics

The requirements for the editorial policy, publication ethics, reviewing and plagiarism checking, etc. of the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal are carried out following the "Regulations on scientific periodicals" (approved by the order of the M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University rector, No. 152 of November 11, 2020).

In addition, the Editorial Board of the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal adheres to the publication ethics principles under the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Learn more about this at the

Authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board of manuscripts submitted in the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal are prohibited from admitting the following facts of scientific dishonesty:

1) Submit for publication research results (theoretical, experimental, etc.) that have not been conducted and not obtained by the authors;

2) Deliberately distort the research results or hide information that affects the reliability of scientific data;

3) Assign or present research results or scientific ideas of other authors, without proper reference to their publications;

4) Indicate as authors persons who do not contribute to the research conducting and the preparation of a manuscript;

5) Republish an article with a different title without significant qualitative and quantitative changes or the use of additional scientific results;

6) Provide materials that harm the reputation and status of the journal, as well as members of the editorial board;

7) Provide editorial board members reviews of their articles or articles of their students (students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students);

8) Falsify the composition of the authors of the publication;

9) Present pseudoscientific materials;

10) Transfer a scientific article to another publication without the consent of other authors and the permission of the editorial board;

11) Transfer the materials of the article to third parties;

12) Violate copyright and confidentiality principles of editorial processes;

13) Manipulate quoting and allow plagiarism in manuscripts;

14) Ascribing to oneself the authorship of results obtained using AI technologies in the preparation of an article and deliberately concealing this fact (lack of appropriate links to the AI ​​tools used);

15) Conflict of scientific interests in publications.

In the case of identifying mentioned facts (or one of them), they are reflected in the official review of the manuscript. Negative facts discovered before publication should be eliminated or corrected, otherwise the manuscript is rejected. In case of refusal to manuscript publishing on ethical features, authors will be notified in writing by the Editor-in-Chief. If such facts are discovered after publication, the editorial staff gives reasonable denials and apologizes in one of the journal issues.


Authors' rights

Authors submitting manuscripts to the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal have the following rights:

- submit a manuscript containing the results of your research or carried out with the participation of colleagues;

- copyright protection of the submissions;

- receive information about the editorial review of the submission;

- refuse the manuscript publishing in the journal until its acceptance;

- receive from the editorial office Author Guidelines and instructions for uploading the manuscript to the online platform;

- receive a copy of the published article.


Obligations of Authors

The authors have the following responsibilities:

- formatting the submissions according to the journal requirements;

- do not bring to the journal previously published articles or that are under consideration in other journals;

- observe publication ethics when preparing a manuscript;

- provide links to materials used in the manuscript, including AI tools;

- guarantee the reliability of citations, results, and facts given in the manuscript;

- provide the necessary information and comply with the editorial requirements during the editorial examination of the manuscript; 

- making in the manuscript shortcomings correction identified on the examination;

- submit a manuscript and carry out further correspondence through the online platform;

- make a payment for the publication of articles accepted by the editors and provide a copy of the payment receipt;

- own self-download the published article from the journal's website;

- submit no more than 2 articles for the journal's issue.


Rights and Responsibilities of Reviewers

The reviewer of a manuscript submitted to the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal has the right to:

- receive an electronic version of the manuscript submitted for review (without information about authors);

- get a review template;

- prepare a review within 14 days;

- refuse to review in case of discrepancy between own research area and the manuscript submitted;

- get a corrected (modified) version of the manuscript previously reviewed for re-examination.

The Reviewer’s responsibilities are:

- non-distribution of the reviewing manuscript to outside parties;

- not use the manuscript materials in self-interest;

- qualitative, consistent, and objective assessment of the manuscript and review submission;

- submission of a review to the editor on time;

- signing, certifying with a seal, and sending the electronic version of the review to the editor through the online platform.


Rights and obligations of Editorial Board Member

The rights and obligations of an Editorial Board member of the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal  include:

- peer review of the manuscript in the appropriate sections of the journal;

- attraction of experts for a reviewing process;

- participation in the updating of reviewers base for "blind" review;

- dissemination of the journal among scientific teams and researchers;

- development of questions on manuscript peer review for a collegial decision;

- participate in the Editorial Board activity and make proposals to improve the journal's quality.


Rights and obligations of the Editorial Staff

The Editorial Staff of the journal has the right and is responsible for:

- organization and conducting  correspondence with the authors;

- interaction with the editor-in-chief and editorial board members on issues related to the manuscript review and the preparation of journal issues;

- interaction with the "Dulaty University Publishing House" on issues of journal publishing;

- providing information support for the journal's website;

- collection and analysis of manuscripts and their transfer to reviewers;

- conducting an anti-plagiarism checking procedure for the manuscripts;

- monitoring the manuscript's design compliance with the requirements of applicable standards (orders, regulations, instructions, etc.);

- preparation of the next issue of the journal;

- formation of electronic versions of issues and their loading on the journal's website;

- preparation and submission of journal’s electronic versions to databases;

- control of the timing of the journal issues publication;

- achieve electronic versions of the anti-plagiarism checking certificate and review of manuscripts accepted for publication.


Rights and obligations of the Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief of the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal has the right and undertakes to:

- guide the Editorial Board activities;

- determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Editorial Board;

- form reviewers database for "blind" review of manuscripts;

- represent the editorial board and the journal in state bodies, public organizations, the press, various scientific forums, conferences, etc.;

- consider the draft of each issue of the journal and allow for transfer to the publishing house;

- carry out manuscript quality control included in the journal issue;

- conduct correspondence on the journal activities with authors, members of the editorial board, and other persons related to the journal activities;

 - be responsible for the content quality, thematic focus, and timing of the journal issues;

- develop measures to improve the citation, and increase its image and recognition in the scientific community.

