Open Access

Open Access

The "Mechanics and Technologies" journal is based on Open Access. This means that articles have free availability on the public Internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles without any restrictions.
Following the Open Access policy, all articles are immediately available to readers through the website after publication in full-text format.


Articles published in the journal are distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial 4.0 International) license. The license provides for non-commercial use of articles.
According to the license, users have the right to copy and distribute materials by copyright.
More detailed information about the license can be found at


Electronic versions of articles published in the "Mechanics and Technologies" journal over the past 12 months are stored in the pdf format on the journal's website in the Archive.

Access to full-text articles published in early issues of the journal is open on the journal's previous website at this link.

Journal articles published since 2013, in full-text in open access and free download are available on the website 


