Generative AI application

In case of using generative artificial intelligence (chatbots) in manuscript preparation (literature review, preparation of a research plan, creation of an article structure, translation, and editing of the text, evaluation of the conducted research), the author is obliged to report this in the article in the Materials and Methods section and provide the relevant references. The use of generative AI should be reflected briefly in the Abstract. References should include the name of the technology, manufacturer (copyright holder), version, dates of access and application, reasons and volumes (shares) of use, and descriptions of the queries used to obtain the result used in the article. Authors are encouraged to attach a screenshot of the chat with the text of the chatbot's request and response. Manuscripts containing images, graphs, diagrams, figures, and tables generated and edited using AI tools will not be accepted for publication.

Authors using generative AI tools in writing an article must comply with the principles and rules of publication ethics. At the same time, authors should understand that chatbots do not have the critical thinking inherent as humans, they can make mistakes in data analysis, over-generalize information, and come up with plausible answers. Therefore, authors should not fully rely on AI tools but are advised to be aware of such risks and consider their consequences when using AI in article writing. The author is personally responsible for the content of his/her article, including the results obtained using the AI ​​tool, and, thus, bears full responsibility for any violation of publication ethics. In this matter, the journal's Editorial Board opinion corresponds to the policy principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors of manuscripts must adhere to the reliable, safe, and ethical use of information obtained using generative AI. To do this, authors must explain in the manuscript at what stages of the research and how AI technology was used, as well as describe the methods and techniques for verifying the reliability, processing, and interpretation of the obtained data.

The absence of such information indicates that the author confirms that AI technologies were not used in the prepared manuscript. In the case of AI tools applications discovered in the manuscript without the author's references, the manuscript is rejected at any stage of its assessment due to intentional violation of the principles of publication ethics.


